A Little About Me

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I'm a 29yr old first time dad living in South East London. I have been married to my gorgeous wife since September 2009. We are looking forward to the next chapter in our lives with our darling daughter, LC

Monday 6 February 2012


So, that's it... All training sessions completed. I am now ready to face the expectant dads of the world (well, Bromley) and tell them how they can go about helping support their partners during labour and birth.

FEDANT accrediation will follow once my portfolio is complete and I have taken a final exam, but for now, I'm able to "teach" as a student! Scary!

Poor V and LC have now got to sit through me running through the whole presentation over and over again while I practice getting my delivery style sorted. I think, by the time I'm finished, they'll both know how to give the class too! :)

I am excited about getting going now, I want to strike while the iron's hot and start making a difference to the dads in my local area. I live within the area of the UK's largest maternity services provider so if I could even reach 1% of the dads in their area I would easily have a full class every time I ran it.

If I'm totally honest, I am nervous about my first session. What if I forget everything I've learned or give the dads the wrong information..? I guess it comes from knowing that I have the potential to massively change their, and their partners' birth experience.

When I think of it that way is when I get nervous so I'm trying to think of it just as me imparting information and advice to expectant fathers with a view to helping them better support their new families. That sounds much less intense and that's how I'd like to think my classes wil run: relaxed and informative.

So, wish me luck in this new venture as I try to help dads become the birth partners that mums want and need. 

Thanks for reading


  1. It's good to see the Daddynatal word (and family) spreading .. even better that it's to the town I grew up around. Keep up the good work :)
